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Weaverville Yoga3 :: Pricing

[0] => 'weaveryoga3'
SELECT max(bID) FROM `Blocks`
 --> 2290             (Database=)

[0] => 'DONTUSE SqL IS '
SELECT max(bID) FROM `Blocks`
 --> 4153             (Database=)

[0] => 'Maxtest wy24=4153'
SELECT id FROM site WHERE name='weaveryoga3'
 --> 19619             (Database=)
SELECT id FROM site WHERE name='wy24'
 --> 18933             (Database=)
SELECT * FROM `FileSets` where fsID>600 and fsID<605
 --> 602             (Database=)

[0] => 'onerow' [fsID] => '602' [fsName] => 'bigger yoga pics' [uID] => '1' [fsType] => '1' [fsOverrideGlobalPermissions] => '0'

[0] => 'allrows' [fsID] => '602' [fsName] => 'bigger yoga pics' [uID] => '1' [fsType] => '1' [fsOverrideGlobalPermissions] => '0' [fsID] => '603' [fsName] => 'Backgrounds: Dribble 2' [uID] => '1' [fsType] => '1' [fsOverrideGlobalPermissions] => ''

[0] => 'querytoarray' [0] => '602' [1] => '603'
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